
Students First Changed Their "About"

Students First, Michelle Rhee's billion dollar, billionaire funded lobbying/propaganda machine have changed the "About" section on their Facebook page:

They claim they are a "grassroots movement" while at the same time claiming one million members (most of whom were duped into signing up with a shady Change.org petition) and a billion dollars.  Grassroots? Really? As they line up with and take money from Bill Gates, Rupert Murdoch, the Broads and the hedge fund managers? Really?

In the beginning of Students First they had a blog. On their blog they allowed comments. Folks like me started pointing out their misinformation --like "teachers are the most important factor"-- when they forgot to mention they meant "in-school factor." I made them correct that, however reluctantly. Then they ended commenting on the blog.

They did allow it on their Facebook page, so I comment there now, and have created a shadow blog, Students?First where SF's blog-posts can be commented on. Nobody goes there though.

SF is NOT a grassroots organization. They are well-funded and well-connected. They don't have a million members. And they lie. Constantly.

Ignore the hype.

1 comment:

Albert Shaffer said...

Greaat read thanks

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